Thanks for your interest in Learn A Lot Academy. If there are no open seats for your child(ren)'s age group-please feel free to add your family to our wait list. To add your family's name to the wait list simply complete the Wait List Request below. There is no fee to add your child to the wait list and you may remove them at any time.
When an appropriate child care opening becomes available you will be contacted via phone and/or email.
Be sure to read the Wait List Process and Wait List FAQs to find out how the wait list works!
Wait List Process
When an opening becomes available all families on the waiting list will be notified according to date of application, with priority given to siblings of children already enrolled. Please respond as soon as possible.
Although notification is sent according to position on the wait list, interviews and tours will be scheduled in the order that responses are received. Families who do not reply within a week will be removed from the waiting list.
Generally all interested families are interviewed before any decision is made, however in certain circumstances the opening may be filled before all of the scheduled interviews are completed. Parents who are offered the opening have 24 hours to submit a complete Enrollment Packet, registration fee, and the first week's tuition.
After this 24 hour window has passed other prospective families may be offered the opening. At this point the opening will be filled on a “first come, first served” basis, depending on which family submits the complete Enrollment Packet, registration fee and first week's tuition.
Wait List FAQs
Below are frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers regarding the Wait List. Over the years we've learned that family situations can change overnight, and a child care opening may become available sooner than originally anticipated. Feel free to contact us at any time for a wait list update, or if you have any questions not answered here. Thank you for your patience!
How long is the waiting list?
The length of the wait list varies, but is generally longer for children under two years than for children over two years old. Learn A Lot Academy has a licensed capacity of: (number of children by age)
Will a part time opening be available sooner than full time?
Unfortunately, Learn A Lot does not offer part-time openings. Most children are enrolled on a full-time basis. Often a part-time work schedule requires a full-time child care schedule because of the days and hours care is needed.
Can I stop in anytime and have a look around?
We're happy to have you visit and take a tour of our facilities! However, in order to provide a safe and secure environment for the children in our care, as well as to avoid upsetting their daily routine it is preferred that you make an appointment instead of just dropping in. Parents of enrolled children are welcome to drop in at any time, however grandparents and other family members should also make an appointment beforehand.
If my child has a birthday will he/she go to the bottom of the list?
We maintain one central wait list for the program. Your family's name is added to the list in the order of original date of application. It will remain higher on the list than families who applied after you and lower on the list than families who applied before you, regardless of your child's age.
Why was another family offered the space first?
Openings are offered to families and children who seem to be the best fit for the program, and whose requested schedule most closely matches the available opening. In addition, priority is given to siblings of currently enrolled children.
Will we be told where we are on the list?
The wait list is always evolving as families' job situations, requested schedules, preferred start dates, etc. change. You are more than welcome to contact us at any time to see where you are on the wait list.
What if Grandma decides to watch our child instead?
If your child care needs change in any way we'd appreciate a quick email or phone call to keep the wait list current. Feel free to send updates to your information at any time.
What can we do to help get a spot sooner?
One of the most important things you can is to start looking for child care as soon as possible! Due to licensing ratios infant openings are especially hard to find, so you should get on a waiting list right away. Don't wait for your baby to be born before you start looking for care.
Do you know any other center or child care provider with openings?
The Missouri Department of Health Services provides a listing of all licensed and license-exempt providers in the state.
What happens next?
Unfortunately there's nothing else to do except wait.